Friday, August 22, 2014

Walk with Flexibility


A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

It was Harry S. Wright, Jr. who said, "There is not a move on the checkerboard of human experience that catches God by surprise."  It is humanly impossible to outmaneuver, outsmart, or outwit God.  You can attempt to run ahead of him, drag behind him, or run away from him, but you always end up right where he wants you to be.  It's amazing how this works out, and usually for your good.  "God led his "lost" people through the wilderness.  God led his people through the sea.  God led his people to the promised land and I'm so glad he leads me."  When you know that you know God is leading you, that should immediately lower your stress level.  I mean why keep spinning your wheels trying to control everything in the universe, when that job is already taken?  You can retire from being controller of the universe!  You can stop tripping and wondering if you are going in the right direction.  The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.  He will direct your path.  He will make your paths straight and plain, but you have to learn to walk in flexibility.
You can make the most organized and detailed plans, but if they are not God's plans, you will blow an emotional gasket trying to force an infinite and immeasurable God, into the tiny confines of your finite designs. All the temper tantrums I've witnessed of grown men and women, including myself, were individuals not able to get their own way. If you want to do anything, leave room for God to adjust, delay, or even scrap your plans.  My best advice is for you to seek God initially, ask God to show you his plans, and follow them!  The Bible tells us time after time in a plethora of ways and words, God is leading you.  The question becomes is this your desire and/or God's demand? 
When I come to many crossroads in my own life and am struggling with a decision, especially what appears to be two equally advantageous choices, I can rest now (after I stop struggling and stressing) in the fact that God is leading, guiding, and deciding.   I have decided I am not smart enough, far-sighted enough, or deserving enough to know where God wanted me to serve and wanted me to do.  So, in the words of one of the hottest gospel classics, "I put it all in hands!"  Whatever the problem, situation, or circumstance you can put it in the hands of an all-knowing God and let him lead you.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being a God that not only guides, but provides.  Remind us every morning to seek your plans for the day before we stress ourselves out trying to make our ideas work.  I am glad to know you are directing my steps, my starts, and my stops in order to avoid destruction.  Thank you, sir!  Amen.

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