Monday, March 17, 2014

"Walk With Great Expectations"

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…Ephesians 3:20

No matter how hard I have tried, I have been as accurate as the local weatherman, when it comes to predicting how God would answer my prayers.  Even when there were only a limited amount of choices for God to pick to deliver me out of a situation, He seems to always opt for the fill in option.  He always chooses option C which was not an original choice of A or B.  That’s why it is never inaccurate to describe one of God’s attributes as the ability to “make a way out of no way”.  God shows that He is still God by going over and above our expectations.
Isaiah 55:8 still rings true even in the 21st century.  We have a 24 hour a day news cycle.  We have new technology almost daily.  We have improved on our ability to shrink the world with the internet and communicating on our ever improving cell phones and smart devices.  The printed word in our newspapers and magazines are quickly approaching extinction.  Yet, with all of our advances and advantages, we still have to wait for God to move.  We still have to depend on God for our daily needs.  We still have to look to God’s word for our holy, moral, standard of living.  We still need the vicarious act of Jesus now well over 2000 years old to wash and forgive us of our sins.  The more things change the more things stay the same.  We can stand flat-footed and still declare in antiquity, God’s ways are not our ways, neither are God’s thoughts our thoughts, says the Lord.  As high as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s ways higher than our ways and God’s thoughts higher than our thoughts.
This was an exaggerated, elongated, and eloquent way to say God can still blow your mind! Cessationists are wrong when it comes to the miraculous activity delegated to the hand of God.  Miracles are a daily, if not minute by minute occurrence.  You should pray for practical resolutions to situations, but you should expect the unexpected miracles to show up in your life.  You can call it providential provision, or manipulating the affairs of mankind, but when it happens after you pray, and happens in a way you would have never imagined, you must admit nobody but God could have did what He did, when He did it, the way that He did it that even surpassed your wild and fancy imagination.  It is not a crack in your faith to be in the dark on how God is going to move in a situation.  As a matter of fact it is the deep rooted faith that no longer has to ask who or how.  Whatever you are waiting on God to do today, expect him to do it sooner, bigger, better, greater, and watch Him blow your mind by abundantly, exceeding even your expectation!

Lord, I thank you that you work and live outside the box of limited human imagination.  God let me rest in the assurance that you will, if it is your will, and I can trust in your divine results even if I don’t understand the divine process.  You are a great God who greatly supersedes our great expectations and you are worthy of great praise!