How can two walk together unless they agree? Amos 3:3
A wise sage said, "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together!" Enoch walked with God for 365 years. Over the course of his lifetime Enoch was able to travel a long way, because he chose to walk with God, rather than try to attempt to navigate the stormy seas of life, on His own. Enoch's journey was further sustained because of the added strength afforded by his "walking buddy".
A wise sage said, "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together!" Enoch walked with God for 365 years. Over the course of his lifetime Enoch was able to travel a long way, because he chose to walk with God, rather than try to attempt to navigate the stormy seas of life, on His own. Enoch's journey was further sustained because of the added strength afforded by his "walking buddy".
From the very beginning, God instituted partnership and companionship. It is not good for man to be alone. So God made a help meet for man. Gen 2:18.
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. Eccl 4:9 Their work is exponentially multiplied . One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand to flight. Deut 32:30 You accomplish much more when you work together. You work harder because you don't want the shame of not carrying your share of the load. You are also inherently aware that if you do tire down or even tire out, you are able to "borrow" essential energy from the encouragement that exudes from collaboration. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. Eccl. 4:10
Jesus also sent his disciples out in pairs. We know one main reason was accountability. You are more likely to stay the course and finish the task when you have a holy, helpful hand holding you to your word and responsibilities. Another reason was the established testimony of two witnesses. A third and probably less realized reason was protection.
What can easily defeat one, has much more difficulty defeating two. A three stranded chord is not easily broken. Eccl 4:12. You are able to travel far because of your different struggles and vices. You can intervene, intercept, and intercede one for the other.
What can easily defeat one, has much more difficulty defeating two. A three stranded chord is not easily broken. Eccl 4:12. You are able to travel far because of your different struggles and vices. You can intervene, intercept, and intercede one for the other.
Throughout biblical antiquity men have coupled together to do ministry. Moses & Aaron, Joshua & Caleb, David & Jonathan, Paul & Silas, Peter & John, etc. Your walk with God is demonstrated by how well you walk with your brothers and sisters. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. John 13:35
"We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, side by side, and they'll know we are Christians by our love."